MON-FRI 8 A.M. - 5 P.M (253) 499-9133


Tree Trimming
August 28, 2023 Arnel Piquero Comments Off

Kent Tree Trimming Service


No matter what size your residential project may be, we are your tree trimming service experts in Kent!

With the guidance of our experienced arborist, we can remove problematic limbs and branches to save your tree and provide an aesthetically pleasing form. By targeting the needy areas, we can:

  • Increase its health to provide an extended lifespan
  • Expand or enlarge your view
  • Encourage proper circulation of air
  • Add greater visual appeal
  • Increase safety to structures and people from falling limbs
  • Improve resistance to storm damage
  • Create a better defense against pests and diseases

With a depth of knowledge in tree biology, we are able to minimize or eliminate impediments without hindering the growth or causing irreparable harm or injury to the tree.

Call Pacific Tree Service to schedule an appointment to help save your tree with the removal of problematic branches.

Kent Trimming Trees


This work element requires a high level of knowledge and expertise working in concert with the applied skills of an experienced arborist. These are a few benefits of working with our expert arborist and experienced team of professionals:

  • Scientific knowledge to know how and when to trim trees
  • Understanding of seasonal growth cycles to achieve maximum benefits
  • Ability to facilitate proper growth and vitality
  • Availability of specialized equipment and tools
  • Quick response emergency care

We welcome the opportunity of assessing your need for tree trimming service in Kent. Call us today!

Kent Tree Cutting


To ensure getting the highest level of Kent tree cutting services, call us!

We have a proven track record, state-of-the-art equipment, the knowledge and skills of an experienced arborist, and a trained and experienced crew to provide removals without endangering people, your home or adjoining property.

As a challenging task that should be left only to professionals, we are available to take on trees that pose a threat to nearby buildings or to the public in general by:

  • An initial assessment of the specific conditions by our experienced arborist
  • Well-planned dismantling by experienced personnel
  • Use of specialized and advanced equipment
  • Exercising strict safety precautions, guidelines and protocols

Following an assessment and evaluation of the variables, we may choose from one or more methods, such as felling the entire tree and dismantling it into sections, climbing and lowering it in sections, or use of a low impact crane. And we will always leave your property cleaner than we found it!

Call Pacific Tree Service to handle your project no matter how large or small. (253) 499-9133